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About Us

Who we are

East Bay Muslim Homeschoolers (EBMH) provides a support network and resources for homeschooling mothers to build their confidence as home educators. We work to create a community for our children that fosters a strong sense of Muslim identity and a lifelong love of learning.


We are based in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area.


Group events, programs and resources are organized by EBMH volunteers as a community effort to connect and provide support to Muslim homeschoolers in the East Bay. 



Please note: Our events and programs are only open to EBMH members because we want to know who is attending our meetings due to safety and privacy concerns.


There are no fees to join our homeschool support group, and there is no charge to attend our events or participate in our programs. If you'd like to become an EBMH member, please submit a membership form.

What we do

Teacher and Student

In 2019-20, alhamdullilah, EBMH volunteers organized

49 in-person meetups and 10 virtual meetings (and more are 

in the works, insha'Allah):


(24) Park Days

(13) Tea Times / Homeschool Discussions + Workshops

(10) Virtual Meetings - Office Hours, Tea Times / Homeschool Discussions + Workshops

(6) Field Trips

(4) Library Days

(2) Eid Celebrations

(1) Ramadan Family Iftar

(1) Curriculum Showcase


We normally meet regularly for park days, field trips, socials and homeschool discussions/workshops; however, because of COVID we’ve cancelled all in-person meetups.


Building a strong online community 


Because of our current obligation to practice social-distancing, we hope to remain active by building a strong online community through our virtual platforms — Telegram, Google Group and Zoom. If you'd like to join our virtual platforms, please submit a membership form.


New virtual programming in the Fall


Themed homeschool discussions with guest speakers:

These discussions are an opportunity for us to improve and widen our skills and knowledge as home educators. Topics we’ve covered in the past include a workshop on learning/teaching styles, how to be an organized homeschooler and how to plan your homeschool year, among others. 


Office Hours (sisters-only): 

Drop-in to get advice and encouragement from another homeschooling mom. We understand the struggle — tell us what’s going well and not-so-well right now, and we’ll try to help you as best we can. Also, this will be a great time for prospective and new homeschoolers to get their questions answered, as well. 


Mentorship Program (sisters-only): 

The purpose of this program is to match up individuals looking for mentorship with community members who have the experience to provide guidance. More details will be released soon.


Mothers Tea Time (sisters-only):

Join us for tea, virtually of course! Our Mothers Tea Time meetings are check-in sessions for homeschooling mothers. This is a highly interactive space and everyone is encouraged to get to know one another. We hope this space can help mothers connect and maybe even spark new friendships. 

We are an active homeschool support group, and we meet regularly to provide social support for homeschooling mothers and their families. 

*If you're new to our website and would like to participate in our virtual programming, please submit a membership form to sign-up for an account.

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